The following guides provide best practices and other supplemental information for integrating the CardPointe Gateway API.

Running the API in Postman

To help you get started with your integration, you can use the sample CardPointe Gateway API Integration Postman Collection, which includes a template of the API service endpoints.

The CardPointe Gateway API Integration collection also includes a sample Environment to help you get familiar with the API. See Configuring Your Postman Environment, below, for more information.

Click the button below to download the CardPointe Gateway API Integration collection:

Run in Postman

Configuring Your Postman Environment

Environment variables allow you to autofill select fields with pre-configured values. For example, instead of manually specifying your merchant ID in the body of each request, you can set the {{merchantid}} variable to your specific MID.

Once you have received API credentials , you can configure the following variables to auto-fill your merchant-specific data in requests to the CardPointe Gateway API:

  • site - Set this value to the site for the test or production environment.
  • url - The {{url}} variable is used to set the base url (https://{{site}} for the CardPointe Gateway RESTful web services. {{site}} is populated with the value you set for that variable.
  • csurl - The {{csurl}} variable is used to set the url  (https://{{site}} for the CardSecure tokenize REST web service. {{site}} is populated with the value you set for that variable.
  • Authorization - Set this value to the Base64-encoded API credentials that you received. The {{Authorization}} variable is used in the header of every request.
  • merchid - Set this value to your merchant ID (MID). The {{merchid}} variable is used in the body of most requests.

These variables are required in the header and body of most requests. The sample environment includes additional variables that you can configure when testing your integration.

Additionally, the sample collection includes test scripts, which gather specific values (such as token) from the response body, and dynamically update the corresponding environment variable.

To configure environment variables, do the following in Postman:

  1. Click the gear icon to open the Manage Environments menu.
Ccg Postman Sample 2
  1. On the Manage Environments menu, enter your merchant-specific values for each variable.
Gateway PM Environment
  1. Click Update.

See the Postman user documentation for detailed information on using Postman to test APIs.

Testing Your Integration

This guide provides information to help you develop and test your integrated application. Whether you are developing a new application, or maintaining an existing one, you should incorporate continuous testing in your SDLC.

As we continue to update and improve the CardPointe Gateway, you should regularly schedule regression testing to ensure that your application utilizes and is compatible with applicable changes to the Gateway.

Understanding the UAT Environment

You use the UAT (user acceptance testing) sandbox environment to test and validate your application. When you begin your application development and integration, you connect to the UAT instance of the CardPointe Gateway.

To connect to the UAT environment, your application uses the following URL:


where <site> is the site name provided to you, and <endpoint> is a CardPointe Gateway service endpoint.

The UAT environment includes emulators that simulate the payment processing activities that occur in production. In this environment, you test with dummy data that is never sent to the payment processor. You should use test card numbers (for example, 4111 1111 1111 1111 or 4444 3333 2222 1111) and physical test cards. 

UAT Request Rate Limiting

In the UAT environment, requests to the following endpoints are rate-limited: 

  • funding

  • inquire

  • profile

  • settlestat

Requests to these UAT endpoints are limited to 20 transactions per minute (TPM), by IP address.

Responses from these endpoints in the UAT environment include the following rate-limit header fields:

  • X-Rate-Limit-Retry-After-Seconds: - Returned for unsuccessful HTTP 429 Too Many Requests responses when the limit has been reached. Specifies the seconds remaining before the limit resets.
  • X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: - Returned for successful HTTP 200 OK responses. Specifies the number of requests available before the limit is reached.

Understanding UAT Responses

Data that you transmit to the UAT environment is never sent to the payment processing networks; instead, the CardPointe Gateway communicates with an emulator that simulates the payment processor that your merchant ID uses to process payments. The emulator mimics the behavior of the given processing host, and returns a response similar to what you would receive for a live transaction in the production environment.

CardPointe Gateway API responses returned in the UAT environment include fields and arrays in a randomized order. Additionally, UAT responses include dummy fields, arrays, and values. This is intended to help clients develop integrated software that dynamically parses the response data, rather than expecting fields to be present in static positions within the response object. 

Some specific situations, such as a network timeout and specific decline scenarios, require specific input to initiate. See Test Cases, below, for more information on these specific scenarios.

See Gateway Response Codes for a complete list of all possible response codes for the CardPointe Gateway and each processor.

Getting Started

To get started, contact to request the following test account details:

  • UAT Merchant ID (MID) - A UAT test MID that you will use to authenticate requests and access the CardPointe dashboard for reporting.
  • UAT API Credentials - A set of API credentials provisioned for your UAT MID, which you will use to authenticate your API requests.
  • UAT API URL - A UAT CardPointe Gateway API URL that you will use to test your API requests.

Once your integration has been validated for production use, you will receive unique credentials for use in the production environment. See the Integration Process Overview for more information.

Using Test Payment Accounts

When testing in the UAT environment, you must use test cards (either physical cards or test card numbers).

Never use actual cardholder data to test in the UAT environment.

UAT Test Card Data

The UAT Merchant ID is boarded to the First Data North UAT environment. If you are testing with this MID, or your own MID that is boarded to the North or Rapid Connect platform, you can use the following test card data to test card-not-present transactions.

The UAT Test Zip Codes section below contains information on testing AVS responses for First Data North, Rapid Connect, and additional platforms.

UAT Test Card Numbers

You can use the following test card data to test card-not-present payments on the First Data North or Rapid Connect emulator.

Any card number that meets the following requirements and passes Luhn check validation will return an approval response:

Card BrandPAN PrefixPAN Length
Mastercard51* through 55*16
Amex34* or 37*15
Discover6011*, 622*, 644* through 65*16

UAT Test Card Numbers for Specific Responses

RPCT Responses

The following test cards return specific responses on the Rapid Connect UAT emulator:

Test PANresptext Returnedrespstat Returned
respproc Returned
respcode Returned
authcode Returned
Call for authorization
Do not honor
Expired card
Call for authorization
Do not honor


Expired card
Call for authorization


Do not honor


Expired card



FNOR Responses

The following test cards return specific responses on the First Data North UAT emulator:

Test PANresptext Returnedrespstat Returnedrespproc Returnedrespcode Returnedauthcode Returned
4788250000121443 ApprovalA FNOR00PPS009
4387751111111020 Refer to issuerC FNOR01-
4387751111111038 Do not honorC FNOR 05-
4387751111111046 Wrong expirationC FNOR 54-
4387751111111053 Insufficient fundsC FNOR NU-
5454545454545454 ApprovalA FNOR00PPS010
5442981111111023 Refer to issuerC FNOR01-
5442981111111031 Do not honorC FNOR05-
5442981111111049 Wrong expirationC FNOR54-
5442981111111056 Insufficient fundsC FNORNU-
371449635398431 ApprovalA FNOR00PPS013
6011000995500000 ApprovalA FNOR00PPS015
6011000995511122 Refer to issuerC FNOR01-
6011000995511130 Do not honorC FNOR05-
6011000995511148 Wrong expirationC FNOR54-
6011000995511155 Insufficient fundsC FNORNU-
36438999960016 ApprovalA FNOR00PPS012
3528000000000007 ApprovalA FNOR 00PPS007

UAT Test Zip Codes

The UAT environment is configured to return a specific AVS response when the last 3 characters of the postal code match one of the values in the table below. This emulation is available only for the following processors:

  • First Data North (FNOR)
  • First Data Rapid Connect (RPCT)
  • First Data Nashville (NASH)
  • Chase Paymentech (PMT)
  • Paymentech Tampa (PTAM)
  • American Express (AMEX) - US Zip Codes Only
  • Vantiv (VANT) - US Zip Codes Only
Chase Paymentech (PMT)
Last 3 of Postal CodeAVS Response
1A1, 111
1A2, 112
1A3, 113I3Match
1A4, 114I4Match
1A5, 115I5No Match
1A6, 116I6No Match
1A7, 117I7No Match
1A8, 118


No Match
All Other Processors
Last 3 of Postal Code
AVS ResponseDescription
1A1, 224X
Address + Zip Match
1A2, 225, 406Y
Address + Zip Match
1A3, 111, 201
AAddress Matches, Zip Does Not Match
1A4, 223WZip Matches, Address Does Not Match
1A5, 113, 226
ZZip Matches, Address Does Not Match
1A6, 112, 214NNo Address or Zip Match
1A7, 221UAddress Unavailable
1A8, 207GIssuer Does Not Participate
1A9, 218RIssuer System Unavailable
2B1, 205EError, AVS Check Not Performed
2B2, 219SService Not Supported
2B3, 228QBill To Address Did Not Pass Edit Checks
2B4, 204, 227DInternational Address + Postal Code Match
2B5, 202BInternational Address Matches, Postal Code Not Verified Due to Incompatible Format
2B6, 203CInternational Address + Postal Code Not Verified Due to Incompatible Formats
2B7, 216PInternational Postal Code Matches, Address Not Verified Due to Incompatible Format
2B8, 209IInternational Address Not Verified by Issuer
2B9, 213MInternational Address + Postal Code Match

Any zip code or postal code not ending in a value listed above returns the default AVS response for that processor.

UAT Test CVV Numbers

You can use the following test CVV numbers on the First Data North or Rapid Connect UAT emulator to test CVV verification:

CVV ValueCVV Response
112 M (Match)
111 N (No Match)
222 P (Not Processed)
333 U (Unknown)

Physical Test Cards

Physical test cards allow you to test card-present payments.

You can obtain a complete set of EMV test cards from B2 Payment Solutions at the following URL:

You can use any test card to test your integration; you do not need to order Fiserv-branded test cards. 

Test Cases

The following topics provide information for testing specific features to obtain responses that are otherwise not returned in the UAT environment.

Testing with Amount-Driven Response Codes

This feature is available for the following emulators:

  • First Data Nashville (NASH) - Auth and Refund
  • First Data North (FNOR) - Auth and Refund
  • First Data Rapid Connect (RPCT) - Auth and Refund
  • Chase Paymentech (PMT) - Auth and Refund
  • Paymentech Tampa (PTAM) - Auth
  • TSYS (VPS) - Auth
  • Vantiv - Auth and Refund

See Gateway Response Codes for a complete list of possible response codes for the CardPointe Gateway and each processor.

When testing your CardPointe Gateway or CardPointe Integrated Terminal integration in the UAT environment, you can use amount-driven response codes to emulate processor-specific authorization responses that you might encounter in the production environment. This allows you to receive and handle response codes that you would not otherwise encounter in your test environment.

All response codes returned in the production environment are received directly from the processor.

To return a specific response code, you make an authorization request with an amount in the $1000-$1999 range. You specify the desired response code using the last three digits (with a leading 0 for 2-digit response codes) of the whole-dollar amount (the amount excluding cents). For example, if you want to return RPCT respcode 332, "Account locked," make an authorization request for $1332.

The following example illustrates an authorization request for $1116.95. The amount value specified is 111695 (with the decimal implied), therefore, the whole-dollar amount is $1116.

The response includes the RPCT respcode 116, which indicates that the transaction was declined due to insufficient funds.

Testing Refund Authorizations

You can simulate a refund authorization response on the following UAT emulators:

  • First Data North (FNOR)
  • First Data Rapid Connect (RPCT)
  • Chase Paymentech (PMT)

Similarly to testing specific authorization response scenarios using amount-driven responses, you can test individual refund response codes, by sending a partial refund request using an amount value that includes the desired response code.

Like in Production, UAT transactions cannot be refunded until they have settled, unless the MID is enabled to refund unsettled transactions.

To test a refund decline, do the following:

  1. Run an authorization request including "capture":"y" and "amount":"2000.00" or greater.
  2. Run a refund request including the retref from the authorization response and "amount":"1nnn.00", where nnn is the 2 (including leading 0) or 3-digit decline response code you want to receive.

    For example, to return a RPCT 500 "Decline" response, include "amount":"1500.00" in the refund request.

Testing Partial Authorizations 

You can simulate a partial authorization response on the following UAT emulators:

  • First Data North (FNOR)
  • First Data Rapid Connect (RPCT)
  • Paymentech (Paymentech)
  • Paymentech Tampa (PTAM)
  • Vantiv (VANT)
  • Worldpay (VPS)

To simulate a partial authorization, submit an authorization request using "account":"4387750101010101" and "amount":"6.00" or greater.

The following responses are returned:

FNOR10APartial Approval5.00
PTAM10APartial Approval5.00
RPCT002AApprove for Partial Amount5.00
VANT10APartial Approval5.00
VPS10APartial Approval5.00

For example:

Testing AVS Response Codes

This feature is available for the following emulators:

  • First Data North (FNOR)
  • First Data Rapid Connect (RPCT)
  • First Data Nashville (NASH)
  • Chase Paymentech (PMT)
  • Paymentech Tampa (PTAM)
  • American Express (AMEX)
  • Vantiv (VANT)

In order to test AVS response codes that you will encounter in the production environment, the UAT environment is configured to simulate various AVS responses when the last three characters of the postal code matches a specific value.

To force a specific AVS response, review the UAT Test Zip Codes available in the UAT Test Card Data section of this guide. Then submit an authorization request using the last three characters of the postal code meant to generate that AVS response. To illustrate this, the example below uses a zip code ending in 112 to emulate "avsresp": "N" in the response.

Additionally, including any 3-digit AVS response code within the address field AVS response will also trigger that response. For example, an authorization request with "address": "112 Main Street" or "address": "31125 Main Street" will trigger the same AVS response as when using 112 as the last three characters of the postal code.

To ensure that you receive the intended AVS response, only include a valid 3-digit response value in either the address or postal field, not both. For example, if using the postal field to test AVS responses, ensure that the address field does not also contain an AVS response code.

The UAT environment also accepts and simulates AVS response codes for alphanumeric postal codes. Be sure to include the country field in your request when providing an alphanumeric postal code, as omitting this field will cause the country to default to US and potentially produce unexpected results.

Note that the following processors do not support AVS for international addresses:

  • American Express (AMEX)
  • Vantiv (VANT)

Testing CardPointe Gateway Timeouts

This feature is only available for the First Data Rapid Connect (RPCT) and First Data North (FNOR) emulators.

Because the UAT environment does not communicate with the processing hosts, your application can not encounter a time out scenario. In production, when the CardPointe Gateway communication with the processor times out, the Gateway returns an auth response object that includes "respcode":"62" and "resptext":"Timed out"

If you want to test your application's ability to handle a time out response, you can send an auth request using one of the following test card numbers:

  • Visa: 4999006200620062
  • MC: 5111006200620062
  • Discover: 6465006200620062

You can also tokenize the card number and use the token in the auth request.

The response includes the PPS respcode 62, which indicates that the transaction was declined due to a communication timeout between the CardPointe Gateway and processor host.

Processing ACH Payments

This guide provides guidance for accepting Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments using the CardPointe Gateway API. ACH payments, also called e-check payments, are a common payment method for recurring payments as well as telephone and mail orders.

Unlike credit card payments, when a customer authorizes an ACH payment, the funds are withdrawn directly from his or her bank account. This process can take several days, so you should include a monitoring process in your integration to verify the status of the transaction.

To accept ACH payments, you must capture and handle the customer's bank account and routing number. While you can capture this information and pass it directly to the CardPointe Gateway in an authorization request, it is a best practice to instead capture this information and tokenize it using a CardSecure-integrated web form.

Using a Web Form to Gather and Tokenize ACH Payment Data

To ensure the security of your customers' data, as well as your PCI compliance, it is recommended that you use a customer-facing web form, integrated with CardSecure, to capture and tokenize bank account and routing information.

When using a web form to capture and tokenize customer bank account information, include separate fields for the routing number and account number. Send these fields in a CardSecure tokenization request in the format
"account" : "<routing number>/<account number>"

For example:

"account" : "123456789/1234123412341234"

CardSecure returns a token representing the ACH account information, which you can then use to make an authorization request to the CardPointe Gateway.

Making an ACH Authorization Request

To process an ACH payment, you make an authorization request using the CardPointe Gateway API. In addition to the fields required for all authorization requests, you must include the following information:

Payment InformationAuthorization Request ParameterDescription
Account and Routing Numbersaccount and bankabaIf you gathered and tokenized the customer's bank account and routing information using a CardSecure-integrated web form, then you can pass the token in the account field.

If you are handling the clear account number and routing number, then include them in the account and bankaba fields, respectively.
Payment Originecomind

For ProfitStars ACH transactions, specifies the Standard Entry Class (SEC) code for the transaction.

Optionally, include one of the following values (defaults to E if not specified):

  • "ecomind" : "T" - SEC code TEL (Telephone) for a single or recurring payment with recorded verbal consent.

  • "ecomind" : "B" - SEC code PPD (prearranged) for a single or recurring payment with written consent. 

  • "ecomind" : "E" - SEC code WEB for an Internet or mobile payment.

Account TypeaccttypeInclude one of the following values:
  • "accttype" : "ECHK" for a checking account

  • "accttype" : "ESAV" for a savings account

The following example illustrates an ACH authorization request and response:

Verifying ACH Transactions

ACH transactions typically take several business days to process and settle, therefore, it is a best practice to periodically check the status of the transaction to ensure that it is successfully processed and that you are credited for the authorized amount.

You can use the CardSecure Gateway API to programmatically verify the transaction status using the inquire and funding service endpoints.

Using the Inquire Endpoint

The inquire endpoint provides information on completed authorizations.

You can use the inquire endpoint if you have the retrieval reference number (retref) from the authorization response. If you don't have the retref, but you included a unique order ID in the authorization request, then you can use the inquireByOrderId endpoint instead.

The inquire response includes a settlement status (setlstat) field that displays the settlement status of the transaction. Note that the settlement status initially displays "Queued for Capture" for ACH transactions, and the value is updated once the batch is transmitted. If "setlstat" : "rejected" you can use the funding endpoint to gather more detailed information.

Using the Funding Endpoint

The funding endpoint provides additional useful information for ACH transactions. Specifically, you can use the funding endpoint to retrieve an ACH return code (achreturncode), which provides additional information for rejected ACH transactions.

To use the funding endpoint, you make a request using the merchant ID and the date of the funding event that included the transaction. The funding endpoint returns an array of transaction details for that date.

Use the retref for the ACH transaction to locate it in the txns node of the response data. For ACH transactions, the response includes an achreturncode field that includes a specific code that explains the reason for the rejection.

The following table describes the possible ACH return code values.

ACH Return Codes

The following codes are returned when an ACH transaction is rejected. 



Insufficient funds


Bank account closed


No bank account/unable to locate account


Invalid bank account number


Returned per ODFI request


Authorization revoked by customer


Payment stopped


Uncollected funds


Customer advises not authorized


Check truncation entry return


Branch sold to another RDFI


RDFI not qualified to participate


Representative payee deceased or unable to continue in that capacity


Beneficiary or bank account holder


Bank account frozen


File record edit criteria


Improper effective entry date


Amount field error


Non-payment bank account


Invalid company ID number


Invalid individual ID number


Credit entry refused by receiver


Duplicate entry


Addenda error


Mandatory field error


Trace number error


Transit routing number check digit error


Corporate customer advises not authorized


RDFI not participant in check truncation program


Permissible return entry (CCD and CTX only)


RDFI non-settlement


Return of XCK entry


Limited participation RDFI


Return of improper debit entry

R36Return of Improper Credit Entry
R39Improper Source Document
R40Non-Participant in ENR program
R41Invalid transaction code
R42Transit/Routing check digit error
R43Invalid DFI account number
R44Invalid individual ID number
R45Invalid individual name
R46Invalid representative payee indicator
R47Duplicate enrollment
R50State Law affecting RCK Acceptance
R51Item is Ineligible, Notice Not Provided, Signature Not Genuine, or Item Altered (adjustment entries)
R52Stop Payment on Item (adjustment entries)
R61Misrouted return
R62Incorrect trace number
R63Incorrect dollar amount
R64Incorrect individual identification
R65Incorrect transaction code
R66Incorrect company identification
R67Duplicate return
R68Untimely return
R69Multiple errors
R70Permissible return entry not accepted
R71Misrouted dishonored return
R72Untimely dishonored return
R73Timely original return
R74Corrected return
R80Cross Border Payment Coding Error
R81Non-Participant in Cross-Border Program
R82Invalid Foreign Receiving DFI identification
R83Foreign Receiving DFI Unable to Settle

Testing ACH Authorizations

To test ACH authorizations, you can use the test Merchant ID (MID) 496160873888 in the CardPointe Gateway's UAT environment. This MID uses a routing rule to detect when "accttype" : "ECHK" and then routes ACH transactions through a separate, linked MID, 542041.

This configuration allows you to dedicate separate merchant accounts to processing credit/debit and ACH transactions, which can be helpful for testing and reporting purposes. Contact Support if you want to configure a dedicated MID for processing ACH transactions.

To test ACH transactions, you must use a valid ABA routing number (for example, 036001808 or 011401533); however any account number is accepted. 

If you test with an invalid routing number, the response returns a resptext of "The RoutingNumber (<bankaba>) is not a valid routing number."

Scheduling Recurring Payments

This guide provides information for extending your existing CardPointe Gateway API integration to add recurring billing to your payment methods.

To do this, you can use an application scheduler, like Cron, to create a schedule to run recurring transactions. The scheduled job can initiate an authorization request to the CardPointe Gateway using tokenized payment data or a stored profile.

This method gives you complete control over your recurring payment schedule with a simple API integration.

  • It is a violation of PCI DSS standards to store Card Verification Value (CVV) data. Neither The CardPointe Gateway nor the merchant can store this data for the purpose of recurring billing.

  • When establishing recurring billing payments or storing and using cardholder payment information for future payments, you must ensure that you obtain the cardholder's consent, and that you comply with the requirements documented in the Visa and Mastercard Stored Credential Transaction Framework guide. See the Visa and Mastercard Stored Credential Transaction Framework guide for updates on support for additional processors, and detailed information for integrating and testing these changes.

How it Works

The following process provides a general overview of the steps required to set up a recurring payment schedule using the CardPointe Gateway. depending on your integration and business needs, your procedure may vary.

Ensure that you review and comply with the card brand requirements for obtaining consent to store and reuse cardholder data. See the Visa and Mastercard Stored Credential Framework Mandate guide for detailed information.

  1. Tokenize the customer's payment data.

    Depending on your existing integration, there are several ways to tokenize payment data.

    For example, you can:
    • Use the customer’s clear PAN or ACH payment data to make a CardPointe Gateway API authorization request. The response returns a token for the account.

      You should only programmatically handle and tokenize clear payment account numbers (PANs) if your business is a registered PCI Level 1 or Level 2 certified merchant. If you are not already certified for compliance with the Payment Card Industry's standards and guidelines for handling sensitive account data, see for more information.

      Optionally, do the following: 

      • Include ”capture” : “y” to accept an initial payment.
      • include ”profile” : “y” to store the customer’s data in a profile to use in future requests.
    • Gather and tokenize the payment card data using the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer.
    • Use a CardPointe Integrated Terminal and the Terminal API readCard or readManual service endpoint.
  2. Store the token for reuse.

    You can either store tokens and customer data in your own database, or you can use the CardPointe Gateway API’s profile service endpoint to create and store customer profiles in the CardPointe Gateway's secure vault. You can skip this step if you created a profile in step 1.

  3. Gather your billing requirements.

    Determine the start date and length of the billing plan, the payment amount and frequency, and any additional information that you'll need to include in your requests.

  4. Build your Cron job to schedule authorization requests to the CardPointe Gateway API.

Authorization requests for recurring billing payments must include the following values:

  • "ecomind" : "R" - to flag these authorizations as recurring billing. If this parameter is not set, recurring payments will be declined.
  • "cof" : "M" - to identify these authorizations as merchant-initiated stored credential transactions. 
  • "cofscheduled" : "Y" - to identify these as recurring transactions using stored credentials. 

Printing Receipts Using Authorization Data

This guide provides information for integrators who want to use authorization response data to print receipts from an integrated POS printer.

Receipt Rules and Requirements

This topic provides general best practices and integration details for printing receipts and capturing cardholder signature data; however, each card brand provides specific rules and requirements. You should understand and follow the receipt guidelines for the card brands that you accept.

Consult the following card brand guidelines for detailed information:

Additionally, receipt requirements vary depending on the card type. For example, receipts generated for EMV (chip and contactless) card transactions must include specific EMV tag data returned in the authorization response. Ensure that you understand the requirements for accepting both EMV and MSR (magnetic-stripe) cards as determined by the card brands.

Understanding Receipt Data

When an authorization is successfully approved and processed by the CardPointe Gateway, the authorization response payload includes important transaction details that you can capture and print on a receipt.

In general, a receipt must include:

Authorization Response Data

A successful authorization response includes the following fields. You should include the highlighted fields on your receipts.

FieldContentMax LengthComments
respstatStatus1Indicates the status of the authorization request. Can be one of the following values:
  • A - Approved
  • B - Retry
  • C - Declined
retrefRetrieval reference number12CardPointe retrieval reference number from authorization response
accountAccount number19Copied from the authorization request, masked except for the last four digits.
token (if requested)Token19A token that replaces the card number in capture and settlement requests if requested
amountAmount12Authorized amount. Same as the request amount for most approvals.
The amount remaining on the card for prepaid/gift cards if partial authorization is enabled.
Not relevant for declines.
batchidBatch ID12Automatically created and assigned unless otherwise specified. Returned for a successful authorization with capture.
orderidOrder ID


Order ID copied from the authorization request.
merchidMerchant ID12Copied from the authorization request.
Note: If you include the merchant ID on a receipt, mask this value, except the last four digits.
respcodeResponse code- Alpha-numeric response code that represents the description of the response
resptextResponse text-Text description of response
respprocResponse processor4Abbreviation that represents the platform and the processor for the transaction
bintypeType of BIN16Possible Values:
  • Corp
  • FSA+Prepaid
  • GSA+Purchase
  • Prepaid
  • Prepaid+Corp
  • Prepaid+Purchase
  • Purchase
entrymodePOS Entry Mode25Only returned for merchants using the First Data North and RapidConnect front end platforms.
Possible Values:
  • Keyed
  • Moto
  • ECommerce
  • Recurring
  • Swipe(Non EMV)
  • DigitalWallet
  • EMVContact
  • Contactless
  • Fallback to Swipe
  • Fallback to Keyed
avsresp AVS response code 2 Alpha-numeric AVS response.
cvvresp CVV response code 1 Alpha-numeric CVV response.
authcode Authorization code 6 Authorization Code from the Issuer
signature Signature Bitmap 6144

JSON escaped, Base64 encoded, Gzipped, BMP file representing the cardholder's signature. Returned if the authorization used a token that had associated signature data or track data with embedded signature data.

If you are integrating a custom receipt solution, you can convert this image file and print it to the receipt, if required.

commcard Commercial card flag 1 Y if a Corporate or Purchase Card
emv Cryptogram - Authorization Response Cryptogram (ARPC). This is returned only when EMV data is present within the Track Parameter.
emvTagDataEMV tag data2000A string of receipt and EMV tag data (when applicable) returned from the processor.

This data returned should be presented on a receipt if applicable, and recorded with the transaction details for future reference.

Refer to EMV Tag Data below for a list of the possible fields returned.
receiptreceipt data-An object that includes additional fields to be printed on a receipt.

Refer to Receipt Data below for a list of the fields returned.

EMV Tag Data

If the card used in the authorization request was an EMV (chip or contactless) card, then the response data includes an emvTagData object with the following fields:

NameTagDetailsSourceFormatMax Length
TVR (Terminal Verification Results)95Status of the different functions as seen from the terminalTerminalBinary5
ARC (Authorization Response Code)8AIndicates the transaction disposition of the transaction received from the issuer for online authorizations.Issuer/TerminalString2
PIN (CVM Results)9F34Indicates the results of the last CVM performed. If PIN was entered, returns "Verified by PIN"TerminalString15
Signature (CVM Results)9F34Indicates the results of the last CVM performed. If "true" then CVM supports signature and signature line may be applicable. However, card brands have moved away from requiring signature for EMV transactions.TerminalBoolean5
ModeIdentifies the mode used to authorize (or decline) the transaction. Always "Issuer"CardPointe GatewayString6
TSI (Transaction Status Information)9BIndicates the functions performed in a transactionTerminal


Application Preferred Name9F12Preferred mnemonic associated with the AID. If unavailable, use Application Label.Card


AID (Application Identifier, Terminal)9F06Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5TerminalBinary16
IAD (Issuer Application Data)9F10Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an online transaction.CardBinary32
Entry methodIndicator identifying how the card information was obtained.TerminalString


Application Label50Mnemonic associated with the AID according to ISO/IEC 7816-5. If unavailable, use the Application Preferred Name.CardString (with the special character limited to space)16

Receipt Data

The receipt object is an optional set of fields that provides additional merchant and order details in the authorization response. 

To include the receipt object in the authorization response, you must specify "receipt":"Y" in the authorization request. 

The merchant account information is populated using the merchant properties configured for the MID.

Additionally, this object includes additional transaction details from the authorization response. You can optionally include a custom order note (orderNote) and item details (items), by including a userFields object in the authorization request.

You can specify the following fields in a userFields object to include an order note or item details, or to override the merchant properties:

receiptOrderNoteUse this field to provide a custom note to include on the receipt.
receiptItemsUse this field to provide custom item descriptors to include on the receipt.
receiptHeaderUse this field to override the header configured for your MID.
receiptFooterUse this field to override the footer configured for your MID.
receiptDbaUse this field to override the DBA name configured for your MID.
receiptPhoneUse this field to override the phone number configured for your MID.
receiptAddress1Use this field to override the address (line 1) configured for your MID.
receiptAddress2Use this field to override the address (line 1) configured for your MID.

Each value can be any string and the total length of user defined fields (URL/JSON-encoded) is limited to 4000 bytes. See the description of userFields in the CardPointe Gateway API documentation for more information.

Contact for assistance configuring the receipt printing properties for your merchant account.

A successful authorization response includes a receipt object with the following fields:

headerANA customizable field to display an alphanumeric message. For example, a specific terms, disclosure, or cardholder agreement statement.
footerANA customizable field to display an alphanumeric message. For example, a specific terms, disclosure, or cardholder agreement statement.
dbaANThe merchant's Doing Business As (DBA) name.
address1ANLine 1 of the merchant's address.
address2ANLine 2 of the merchant's address.
phoneNThe merchant's phone number.
dateTimeNThe date and time of the transaction (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS).
nameOnCardAThe Cardholder's name, if included in the authorization request.
orderNoteANA custom order note, if included in the userFields in the authorization request.
itemsANA custom item descriptor, if included in the userFields in the authorization request.

Printing a Receipt

To print a receipt from your custom integration, use the fields described in Understanding Receipt Data to build your receipt template.

The following example illustrates a receipt template (left) and a receipt populated with data retrieved from the authorization response (right).

Handling Timed-out Transactions

This guide provides best practices for handling CardPointe Gateway API timeout errors. The Gateway API supports synchronous communication; therefore, your application must make requests and expect responses in sync with the CardPointe Gateway services.

If you are a developer integrating your point-of-sale software with the CardPointe Gateway API, it is important for you to understand how long the steps of the payment process can take, so your software can interact accordingly. The following information should guide you on how long to wait for a response, and actions to take if one is not returned.

CardPointe Gateway Authorization Timeout (32 Seconds)

When you use the CardPointe Gateway API's auth endpoint, to make an authorization request, the Gateway sends the request to the payment processing network and allows 31 seconds for a response. If the Gateway does not receive a response, then the request times out at the 32 second mark and returns a "Timed Out" response.

Handling CardPointe Gateway Timeouts

Whether your application is using the Terminal API authCard request, or the CardPointe Gateway API auth request, it should be designed to handle the following scenarios:

  1. A "Timed out" response returned successfully (HTTP 200) from the CardPointe Gateway auth endpoint or the Terminal API authCard endpoint.
  2. No response returned successfully from the CardPointe Gateway auth endpoint.

In this case, a response, including a retref for the transaction, is returned. The response includes "respstat": "B" which always means "Retry." The transaction attempt should be tried again.

If you need to reference the details of any particular transaction attempt, supply valid retref and merchid values in an inquire request.

In some cases, retry attempts will also fail. In the event of multiple retry failures, check for reports of system-wide issues.

No Response Returned

This scenario may include, but is not limited to, an HTTP Status 408 Request Timeout.

In this case, your application can not determine whether or not the transaction was successful.

As a safeguard against losing record of the transaction attempt from your system, it is strongly recommended that you supply a unique order ID for every authorization request made to the API.

If you included an order ID in the original authorization request, then you can use the following Gateway API service endpoints to inquire on or void the transaction record:

  • inquireByOrderid

    The inquireByOrderid endpoint is used to look up a transaction record using the order ID supplied in the original authorization request. If the supplied order ID is found, then the same payload returned in the inquire response is provided.

    If the original authorization request was successful, the response includes the transaction details, including the retref. You can then use the retref to make a subsequent void or capture call.

    If the original authorization request was unsuccessful, the response includes PPS respcode 29, Txn not found. This response indicates that the authorization request timed out before being processed by the CardPointe Gateway, and you should retry the authorization request. 

  • voidByOrderId

    The voidByOrderId endpoint is used to look up and void a transaction record using the order ID supplied in the original authorization request. If the supplied order ID matches a transaction record, the authorization is voided and a void response is returned. See the voidByOrderId description for more information.

    voidByOrderId should be used in the event that no response is returned by an inquireByOrderId request, or if no look up is required at all.

    Note: You should attempt the voidByOrderid request three times (3x) to ensure that the transaction is voided, despite not receiving a response to indicate that the request was successful.

See the CardPointe Gateway API for information on the inquireByOrderid, voidByOrderId, and capture service endpoints.

Manually Managing Gateway Batches

This guide provides information for using the CardPointe Gateway API's openbatch and closebatch service endpoints to manually open and close Gateway batches, and the settlestatByBatchSource endpoint to retrieve settlement details for a batch. 

The CardPointe Gateway automatically manages transaction batches.

Exercise caution when managing batches manually. It is possible to group unrelated batches by mistakenly using the same batchsource; therefore it is a best practice to use unique batch source values, and to develop a system for categorizing grouped transactions accurately.

Using the openbatch Endpoint

A call to the openbatch service endpoint opens a new batch associated with the supplied merchid. The batchsource is used to supply a batch identifier to logically link multiple batches together across merchant IDs. A batch contains one merchid.

Exercise caution when specifying a batchsource value. The CardPointe Gateway does not validate or use the value and it is possible for more batches to be grouped if the same batchsource is used by mistake; therefore it is a best practice to use unique batch source values, and to develop a system for categorizing grouped transactions accurately.

Additionally, the batchsource value in an openbatch request must match the batchsource value in the authorization or capture request for the transaction that you want to include in the created batch.

openbatch URL

MethodRequest FormatURLHeaders
GETURL stringhttps://<site><merchid>/<batchsource>Authorization: Basic

openbatch Request

Fields in bold are required.

merchidANThe merchant ID, required in every request.
batchsourceANThe batch ID of a third-party system. A batch contains one merchant ID. Use caution when attempting to use batchsource to link batches together. The CardPointe Gateway does not validate the value and it is possible for more batches to be grouped if the same batchsource is used accidentally. A batchsource sent in openbatch must match the batchsource value specified in the authorization or capture request for the transaction.

openbatch Response

batchidANThe batch ID for the new batch, if the request was successful. If the value "null" is returned, the request was not successfully processed.
respcodeANIndicates whether the request succeeded or failed. If the batch is successfully opened, the value "success" is returned. If the request failed, the value "noBatch" is returned.

Using the closebatch Endpoint

A call to the closebatch service endpoint attempts to close the batch identified by the merchid and batchid. Provide a batchid to attempt to close a specific batch. If no batchid is supplied, the open batch with the lowest batchid is closed.

closebatch URL

MethodRequest FormatURLHeaders
GETURL stringhttps://<site><merchid>/<batchid>Authorization: Basic

closebatch Request

Fields in bold are required.

merchidANThe CardPointe merchant ID associated with the batch that you want to close.
batchidANThe batch ID for the batch that you want to close. If no batch ID is specified, the batch with the lowest batch ID number is closed.

closebatch Response

batchidANThe batch ID of the closed batch. If the value "null" is returned, the request was not successfully processed.
respcodeANIndicates whether the request succeeded or failed.

If the batch is successfully closed, the value "success" is returned. If the request failed, the value "noBatch" is returned. This may mean the request batch does not exist or is already closed.

Using the settlestatByBatchSource Endpoint

A call to the settlestatByBatchSource service endpoint returns the settlement status and details for all transactions in a given batch, identified by the batchsource.

settlestatByBatchSource URL

MethodRequest BodyURLHeaders
POSTJSON objecthttps://<site> Basic

settlestatByBatchSource Request

Fields in bold are required.

merchidANThe CardPointe merchant ID associated with the batch.
batchsourceANThe batchsource of the batch for which you want to retrieve settlement and transaction details. 

settlestatByBatchSource Response

respprocANAn abbreviation that represents the clearing house.
hostbatchNThe batch identifier assigned by the payment processor.
chargecntNThe number of "charge" or positive amount transactions in the batch.
batchsourceANThe unique batchsource identifier for the batch.
refundtotalNThe total amount of all refund transactions in the batch, in dollars and cents.
batchidANThe batch ID of the batch. 
chargetotalNThe total amount of all "charge" or positive amount transactions in the batch, in dollars and cents.
refundcntNThe number of "refund" or negative amount transactions in the batch.
hoststatANThe batch settlement status. One of the following values:
  • Blank – Queued for the processor
  • BB – The batch transmitted successfully; however all orders were rejected by the processor.
  • EB - The batch was empty (contained no valid transactions).
  • GB – The batch was accepted by the processor.
  • MB – Some transactions were accepted and some were rejected.
  • RB - The batch was rejected by the processor.
  • SB - The batch was sent to the processor, but not yet confirmed.
  • ND - The batch was sent to the processor, but no confirmation was received within the expected timeout window. This status can indicate a bad batch or a communication error or other delay in the processor sending the confirmation.
merchidANThe CardPointe merchant ID associated with the batch.

An array of JSON objects for each transaction in the batch. Each object includes the following fields:

Note: See the Settlement Status response description in the CardPointe Gateway API for detailed descriptions of each field.
  • setlamount - The transaction amount settled for the authorization.
  • setlstat - The current settlement status. The settlement status changes throughout the transaction lifecycle, from authorization to settlement.
  • salesdoc - The order ID associated with the authorization, if present.
  • retref - The unique retrieval reference number, used to identify and manage the transaction.